Māori and Pasifika Writers in Schools Programme is funded for growth

The Māori and Pasifika Writers in Schools expansion project will meet the high demand and need for Māori and Pasifika writers in our school communities, increase the number of Māori and Pasifika writers now and for the future, and grow and support new and emerging Māori and Pasifika writers. The programme will also strengthen Read NZ Te Pou Muramura’s flagship programme by bringing more Māori and Pasifika writers into the programme to inspire and excite tamariki and rangatahi in reading and writing. Through a combination of wānanga and school visits, new and emerging Māori and Pasifika writers will be supported in a tuakana/teina model in a pairing with experienced Māori and Pasifika writers. The pilot will begin in 2024 with learnings bought into the programme proper in 2025.

Natalie Pearce